
It has long been a point of contention: do individual actions make a difference, or are they pointless diversions? The question always is whether individual actions are like recycling, pointless diversions to make us feel better while the big corporations keep pumping out more CO2?

One new study, 1.5-Degree Lifestyles: Targets and options for reducing lifestyle carbon footprints, from the Institute for Global Environmental Strategies and Aalto University, argues that in fact, our individual actions could add up to make a big difference. In fact, they suggest that we have no choice: “Changes in consumption patterns and dominant lifestyles are a critical and integral part of the solutions package to address climate change.”

I have been trying to live this 1.5 degree lifestyle, which means limiting my CO2 emissions to 2.5 tonnes per year, or 6.85 kilograms kilograms per day. Lots more to come!

This site is now being used to promote my new book from New Society Publishers about living the 1.5 degree lifestyle, but if you dig down you will find other posts that I have written.

I am Design editor of TreeHugger.com.  Also a contract teaching sustainable design at Ryerson University School of Interior Design, and  a past president of the Architectural Conservancy of Ontario because I care a lot about old buildings.  I have contributed to Corporate Knights magazine, Mother Nature Network, Azure and the Guardian.

I can be reached via email at lloydalter at Gmail.com and on twitter @lloydalter

5 thoughts on “About

  1. I Read your 60 people transportation article. With autonomous cars there will be even more cars on the road. There will be the 60 people in cars plus even more extra empty cars out running errands or avoiding parking for their owners.

  2. Hi Lloyd,

    I am a sole proprietor licensed Architect in Toronto. I think I have met you at the Eco-Fair at the Green Barn in Ward 21 more than a few years ago now. I have designed a Demount-able and Stack-able Wooden Rain-barrel Stand for 2′-0″ wide Rain-barrel Cisterns.

    I think LEAF and Treemobile of Toronto will help me advertise this design.

    Here is the link to the info and purchasing the barrel stand:


    Thanks for your attention.
    Lowell Lo

  3. After reading your article on TreeHugger.com on March 22, 2018, we decided that the Cinderella incinerating toilet would be the perfect solution for our mountain cabin. When I researched this at the time, it seemed that Cinderella marketed in the US. However, as I search the internet now, I am finding very little information. I have sent a request to their Canada location, as well, but have yet to receive a response.

    So . . . do you have any advice for me? Or a suggestion for another reliable and safe incinerating toilet?

    Thank you so much!

    1. I do not know of any others besides the Incinolet, which I found noisy, but that was twenty years ago. They certainly are solidly built and might be worth looking at again.

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